Deep Creek Seedstock

About Us
Jillane Pike is the owner of Deep Creek Seedstock. Jillane brought the ranch name with her when she came from the Northwest to Nebraska. She has been in the Seedstock business for over 30 years. She believes in functional cattle, cattle that have the economic traits that make you want to own them. She also likes to look at them. She likes good cattle that can also do well in the show ring. She enjoys the doability of the Aberdeen breed. These cattle have less input costs and take advantage of a forage environment better than any other cattle. She appreciates cows that can wean 50% of their body weight. She is specializing in Moderators because of the impact they can make in the commercial cattle segment of our industry. These Moderators will offer light birth weight, moderate frame size, and higher carrying capacity. This is the kind of cattle that many Universities are talking about today.
Dean brings 40 years of experience in the seedstock industry. He has been involved in marketing and promoting registered cattle in all of those years. His promotional abilities compliments Jillane's skills in making a team of highly knowledgeable people to breed and sell the right kind of seedstock.